CAIR-Chicago Offers Teacher Sensitivity Training
CAIR-Chicago’s Operations Manager, Maggie Slavin, offered a teacher sensitivity on June 13, 2024 at Northern Illinois University. The training, entitled “Islamophobia 101: Stereotypes & Dehumanization: How Myths about Muslims Harm our Students and What To Do About It” gathered public school teachers from Elgin & DeKalb.
CAIR-Chicago to Observe Juneteenth (Offices Closed)
Since 2020, CAIR-Chicago has observed Juneteenth by closing its office to celebrate the emancipation of the last enslaved Black Americans and honor the lives lost to slavery. Juneteenth has since replaced the office’s observance of Columbus Day.
Eid al-Adha Mubarak from CAIR-Chicago!
We hope your Eid is blessed and spent well with family, friends, and loved ones! And a prosperous Dhul Hijjah InshAllah to all!
Save the Date! CAIR-Chicago’s 2024 Annual Banquet
CAIR-Chicago's 2024 Annual Banquet is set for October 27th, 2024. Mark your calendars as we celebrate two decades of defending civil rights for Muslims in America. Join us at Drury Lane for a night of reflection, recognition, and renewed commitment to our mission.
Honoring the Legacy of Malcolm X
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) recently honored the life and legacy of Malcolm X on May 19th, with a distinguished panel including speakers Clyde El-Amin, Salim Muwakkil, Ahmed Rehab, and Kai El Zabar.